Church Planting | Gospel Saturation
To see the number of committed Christ followers double means an intentional, strategic focus on Church Planting. Imagine if we worked together as churches across South Florida to collaboratively own the lostness of our region and set out to saturate every community and every people group with a gospel presence?
What could happen?
What if South Florida became known as the best place to live, work, and raise a family? How would individuals, marriages, families, schools, workplaces and communities be transformed?
We believe it’s possible to see a gospel awakening throughout South Florida that would radically change the culture of Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.
This kind of transformation would take a big Kingdom initiative involving dozens of churches working together to identify, develop, and resource leaders to help produce a vibrant and sustaining church planting movement.
God could use your church and dozens of other churches working together for a single cause — to see South Florida transformed by the power of the gospel for the glory of God.
We call it the South Florida Church Planting Alliance. Are you in?
We often call our Church Planting Forums the “front door” to the church planting ecosystem in South Florida. Twice a year we gather church planters, network leaders, church planting pastors, and those exploring church planting for a time of leadership development, collective problem solving, soul care, Kingdom prayer, and vision for gospel saturation in the region. Each gathering focuses on connecting, collaborating and celebrating what God is doing through church multiplication in our region.
Our Church Planter Cohorts serve as a “deeper dive” in establishing the opportunity to equip and encourage a church planters and planting candidates with a gospel framework for the region. These gatherings are held monthly during the academic year in two locations: Boca Raton and Dade County. The locations afford accessibility for leaders throughout South Florida to attend the one nearest them.
During these collective gatherings, we will be able to cast vision, equip, encourage, and network with potential church planters and leaders of church planting churches. This is our foundation for instilling the DNA and inviting leaders to be a part of the vision to plant churches in South Florida for the sake of the Gospel.
Assessment is foundational to selecting church planters for the region. The Church Planting Alliance will develop a broad assessment tool that will help determine if a leader is uniquely suited for the rigorous demands of church planting. We partner with Church Multiplication Ministries in their interactive 360º assessment instrument that helps evaluate the readiness of candidates for church planting.
Because church planters will be and should be linking up with a tribe/network/denomination we will encourage that further assessment takes place with and by the primary financial partners as a hope for good stewardship.
The Incubator is intensive training for church planters. Our desire is to have at least one training in each county, both in English and in Spanish. This training is a 1-2 year process and only church planters that have passed assessment can participate.
Click here for more info (link to application at the bottom of the page).
A residency is an immersive employment experience that allows entrepreneurial leaders who have been called to church planting to take their first steps toward doing so while under the oversight of a seasoned practitioner. It is a chance for young leaders to experience the kind of transformational community, faith, hope, and love they hope to replicate in another context.
Click here to apply for a residency or learn how your church can participate.
Every church planter needs at coach, and a good one at that. Our desire is to ensure that every church planter in South Florida has access to a trained and qualified church planting coach.
Click here to learn more and get connected with a coach.
Beyond coaching for fundraising and exposure to traditional funding sources, qualified candidates will have the opportunity to “pitch their project” to church leaders (Lead Pastors, Executive Pastors, Mission pastors) and local donors, who will collaborate together to fund church plants throughout South Florida. Each “Shark Tank” will be an annual meeting where churches and donors can hear from vetted church planters who are seeking to start a new church in South Florida.
(More info coming soon)
South Florida is home to several cities that are among the most irreligious places in the United States. With a population of 6 million people, South Florida is the fourth largest urbanized area in the country, but the demographics and ethnographics of the different communities makes each one unique. As such, we hope to provide specific research and data that help church planters to identify specific triggers to belief unique to their particular community.
Click here to learn how to participate.
Want to know more?
Let us know and we’ll be in touch!