To see the number of Christ followers grow in our region means investing in the health and care of pastors and resourcing the Church with best-in-its-class initiatives and partners. 

We want to see churches raise up new leaders — disciples and church planters who understand their calling and the power of their influence and deploy them into every sector of the marketplace. more cities and more neighborhoods will experience the presence of the Gospel; and a movement of God’s people will spread faith, hope and love to families, friends, co-workers and neighbors.


He Gets Us

We believe that we are stewarding one of the greatest evangelistic moments of our time as we witness unprecedented unity, connection, and collaboration among Christ-following churches. He Gets Us is an historic, digital evangelistic campaign connecting those exploring faith, life, and meaning to the churches of South Florida.


State of South Florida

Missed the gathering? Heres’ the bottom line: Rather than asking what are we going to do, we need to ask what are we going to change. We are after outcomes, not outputs. In a post-covid world, the need to measure beyond the traditional measures of success like attendance and giving has become of paramount importance. Our measurement tools, powered by Barna and Gloo helps us know where the people in our local churches are strong and uncovers opportunities for growth.



Alpha is a multi-week evangelistic tool that creates a safe place to explore life’s biggest questions.


South Florida Church Planting Alliance

Close neighborhood connections, hunger for growth, and openness to innovation makes church planting the way of the future.


Love South Florida

Love South Florida is our annual month-long outreach that personifies what unity for the sake of mission is all about.


Soul Care

The strength of Church United has been our focus on holistically caring for pastors—a belief that healthy leaders lead healthy churches.


Education & Next Generation

We believe one of the greatest opportunities to demonstrate what’s possible when churches collaborate together exists in education and next generation engagement.


Faith & Work

In order to see a movement of the gospel, those in our pews must see their vocation as mission and find expression in every sector of the marketplace.